If you want to learn lessons about how to run a great business, you should look no further than the most successful and respected businesses of our era—and few businesses have grown as big or have maintained their reputation as well as Google. When you boil down the factors for why Google has become such a dominant force in the tech world, you can cite a number of possibilities, from the way it treats its workers to its drive for constant reinvention—but when it comes down to its product popularity, it’s all about user experience. [Read more…]
Apply the Singapore Education Methods To Master Your Skills As An IT Specialist
When we’re talking about the best education systems in the world, Singapore stands out as the prime competitor for the prize.
The 5 Interview Mistakes Web Designers Should Avoid
Whether it’s an in-person meeting for a full-time position at an agency or a video call for a freelance opportunity, interviews are an extremely important part of being a web designer. If you want to be successful in your career, then you’ll need to begin mastering the art of the interview. And part of this involves avoiding common mistakes. Let’s take a look at a few and how you can prevent them from sabotaging your opportunities. [Read more…]
5 Ways to Finance Your Small Web Design Firm’s Content Marketing
Building a successful Web design business takes a veritable Swiss Army knife of different skills. There’s the work of designing and building sites. There’s the work of marketing so you can ensure you have someone to design and build sites for. There’s the work of making sure you keep good enough books to pay taxes on time. There’s also the work of getting paid. In short, building a successful Web design business takes a lot of — you guessed it — work, and where work won’t suffice, it’s inevitable that money is needed.
If you’re trying to build up your Web design business, then the odds are good that you’re no stranger to work or the pressures of money. High-quality content marketing is one of the fastest and most reliable ways to build your business, and, if you can’t do the work yourself, here are five ways you should be able to finance it. [Read more…]
Must-Have Apps For Devs To Reduce Eyestrain
If you’re reading this, it’s because you’re staring at a computer screen that’s constantly emitting blue light, the light from your computer screen that blocks your body’s melatonin secretion and, as a result, interrupts your circadian rhythm. We know that staring at electronic devices for long periods of time can be dangerous for our health, but when your job forces you to stare at a computer all day (or your moonlighting freelance gig has you up in the middle of the night), it’s really difficult to find a way to reconcile health and productivity. There’s no easy solution for this one, but if you have to stare at a screen when you work, here are four apps that could help reduce eyestrain, a problem for as much as 61% of US adults, and keep you working.