Our featured designs for the week put typography first, using very little imagery until absolutely necessary.
Designs of the Week
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The classic Swiss look at work. The furniture images appear only on hover, and are also in black and white. A tad fluid but not responsive. I like that the arrangement on the grid is not tight and there’s lots of negative space as you browse.
Interesting asymmetrically laid out blocks in the background. More abstraction from the repeating dot and line symbols acting as logo and divider—which are so minimal they could pass for glyphs.
If it isn’t red, the popular accent color of choice for typographic designs is yellow. Clicking on the search icon produces an even larger block of yellow serving as the background for the input box. The library on the footer mimics a book shelf, but done in a minimalist way.
There’s a set of websites that choose small type over the huge type trend and this is one of them. I’m not used to seeing slab text in all caps that small. Clicking on an item on the list loads the content inline, while a striped pattern animates as you wait. Keyboard navigation is enabled.
In contrast to the homepage, the portfolio pages are all about the images. There’s a cool zooming in effect when you hover, which fades to the same hot pink accent color as the text appears.
A familiar shade of orange for intro text, with a huge footer comprising only two lines of text.
Social Media Weekly
Need help in promoting your site? INeedHits has been in the search engine marketing since 1996!
User Experience – The usability error you don’t know you’re making
“It’s this lack of empathy that makes a failure to speak the user’s language such an insidious problem to spot in your own interface.”
Business – Tell a four-word story.
“If you want to start a business or launch a new project, you need to be able to describe your effort in four words.”
CSS – Helium
“Helium is a tool for discovering unused CSS across many pages on a web site.”