As someone who spends many hours behind the computer writing and creating websites my desktop wallpaper is very crucial to me. I’m very picky with my wallpapers, they must inspire me but not distract me or bore me very fast.
I like to take inspiration from things right in front of me or around me and wallpapers tend to give me that. The wallpapers I use tend to match the weather a lot, I’m sure a lot of us do that. With autumn coming up which I find the most inspiring season of them all I picked at least 7 dark themes wallpapers. A few colored ones for those who rather have a cheerful desktop and a few simplistic ones.
You will notice many of these links contain more versions of the wallpapers, or entire different wallpapers design. Some of the designers also provide resolution for the iPhone or other mobile phones. I fitted both my phones with wallpapers and even my LCD TV when I switch it to my computer. This will guarantee creativeness all around.
A side note; Doesn’t the wallpaper ‘Love of Black Sands’ totally remind you of the beach scene in ‘Inception’?