Tumblr and Posterous aren’t popular only because they are easy to get a weblog up and running. They are popular with lots of users because the of the no nonsense layout. No distractions, no overload of content or other items you are tempted to add. A lot of people claim that a simple weblog platform and layout helps them focus on publishing better content.
For us who still like having control on our websites and weblogs and use WordPress I scoured the web for a one column WordPress theme, which does one thing: focus on the content. And not to mention that most one column themes are minimal too, the themes to my heart.
A minimalistic single column theme with customizable header and background. Does not has the best font but if you have CSS knowledge this theme can easily be made much better just by using @font-face.
Zack 990
Zack 990 is inspired by the Boston Globe’s Big Picture, thus these theme should only be used for a photo or video weblog for best results.
A perfect theme for long articles that take time to read, lots of white space and no distractions at all. Also the website of the theme maker kept me drooling, Theme Museum is one to watch.
I fell in love with this theme, love the gray colors and while the little spaceship logo is not part of the theme it shows how a little well done graphic can enhance the theme and make it unique. Choosing your own bright colors for the links, like bright pink, will make it stand out right away.
I always liked Khaled’s website, his design always stayed in my memory, so I was pleasantly surprised he has a WordPress theme. The theme has been available for quite some time already but I never came across it. I liked it so much I installed it on my WordPress test environment.
This theme is slick as an Apple device.
Foliage Mod
Bright Pixel
Tiny Studio
This one is a commercial theme by Woo Themes. A single theme license costs $40 and is ideal for users who want an extensive theme admin and support from the makers.