Not that homepage. With the main focus for the next few weeks going to be on completing and coding the next Devlounge design, as well as testing out new parts and features (along with juggling finals), the content department around here will essentially turn off, with the exception of new Friday Focuses. To prevent the homepage from becoming too stagnant, I will be introducing a lightweight temporary homepage tomorrow or Friday at the latest that will spotlight some of our favorite posts, interviews, and article series. The rest of the site will remain fully functional, without any visual changes. I’d say I’m about 3-4 weeks out of launching the next version. Comments have been mixed, but don’t just go with what that Flickr teaser may have shown you, because the final design will have plenty of nice touches no one has yet to see. If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to our rss feed to stay on top of updates. We thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition and slow time for us.