I came across a selection of icons and fonts that are not extremely popular yet. These icons and fonts are of super-b quality. Picto Foundry for example is optimized for the retina display on iPhone 4 and for use on the iPad. There is also a commercial selection available.
Discons and Minicons are excellent minimalist icons, a total of 953 icons together.
With the Holidays coming up the Matilde font is ideal to create some greetings cards, and if you rather have a more sturdy design the other fonts are perfect for it!
Make sure to bookmark of download these fonts and icons, because they are to good to pass up.
500 Free Icons: WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set
WPZOOM Developer Icon Set (154 free icons)
Picto Foundry Free
This icons package currently costs $3, which is nothing compared to the prices of other commercial icons.