This week on Friday Focus: websites that mimic a typical designer’s workspace, beverage, gadgets, litter, and all.
Designs of the Week
I love how in the inner pages the big graphic moves up and out of focus, while the scrolling text hides under the table.
The shadows in the sketches are off, and I would have liked more of that look to bleed into the rest of the design, but I like me a clean design.
A collage-style design is always fun, and the variety of textures here keep things interesting.
I love the view from the ceiling; you don’t get that very often. Even better is that as you reach the end of the page you get the other end of the room. Great idea! Tiny nitpick: the justified text, which always looks stiff.
I find it interesting that they chose to emphasize the word design in the heading rather than the name of the studio itself. I quite like the shading style on the illustrated graphics too.
Social Media Weekly
Design – Complete Beginner’s Guide to Design Research
“Research actually begins the moment we learn about a project, whether we acknowledge it or not. As user experience designers we aren’t content simply designing to specification.”
Design – Perception and the design of forms – Part 1: Shape
“How is it that we can know, without thinking, that the computer monitor is closer to us than the window, which is closer again than the car parked on the street outside?”
Semantics – HTML and Semantics – Conjoined twins of the Future Web!
“Yes, that is where the web is heading towards, and that day will be called – ‘The day of Semantic Web’, and the most important players in that era will be none other than our old kid ‘HTML’ and the relatively sophisticated kid ‘Semantics’.”
Accessibility – How do Web browsers perform when copying and pasting alternate text?
“In HTML, an image is made up of visual and textual data (alternate text). Most Web browsers attempt to render alternate text when visual data is not available. However, only one browser currently uses alternate text when pasting images into other applications.”